RICH REVIEWS: Infinite Seven: Volume 1: Kill Replace Kill

Title: Infinite Seven: Volume 1: Kill Replace Kill (TPB)
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Written by: Dave Dwonch
Art by: Arturo Mesa with Geraldo Filho
Price: $ 14.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: This Trade Paperback collects issues one through four of the series.
This team of people the Infinite Seven are one interesting looking bunch.
Smash Brannagan is the gun-toting leader of the team, Master Zhen the martial artist who dresses like Bruce Lee, Parrot the little floating mini Death Star. They face an army of robots led by one gorgeous female villain, Mavara.
Wolfsberg is another member and he is a big man. Lord Ellington acts like a gentleman who is so tough he is the home base commander. There are a few other members as well.
Now Smash Brannagan bursts in on Anthony a young teenage boy who has no idea what is going on but will. One thing leads to another and Anthony takes Brannagan’s place on the team.
Anthony aka as Tony is just your ordinary teen but his life as he knows it is about to change and change in a big way. The common everyday person will be able to identify with Anthony.
Tony finds himself in a situation. He is a scared teenage boy. He is in over his head.
Agent Cinco, she is drawn lovely and sexual. Zhen well his body is drawn to elongated. Wolfsberg is illustrated with big muscles and an even bigger gun. Two other members are shown a magic user and a gun shooting man.
Tony does not want to be the next Smash Brannagan an assassin he may have no choice though. He proves himself in the arena against an opponent that was big, ugly and scary.
The story needs more of an explanation as to what is going on and why it is. We do find out a little more about Tony but nothing about these other members of the Infinite Seven.
Two members of the team sit in a bar as one recounts a story about being in love. Sprite and some other guy who is nameless. He is a Moriarty yes the villain from Sherlock Holmes. This character of Moriarty/Holmes is interesting. What does he want out of life?
Melanie the new Smash’s friend is drawn so cute and with such long legs.
The new Smash aka Anthony is sent on a mission to kill Sandsnake. They do have a wild chase scene. The art is rough which suits the characters in this comic.
This issue does focus a little more but still, the story needs to be explained more.
Smash a boy thrown into the world of assassination makes the story interesting and fun as he does not fit in. He does, however, manage to get things done.
Just wait till you see what fills up the trophy room here.
Smash along with Parrot are on a mission to stop an army. His team infiltrates the Island as well. Now Smash gets to meet some interesting people. The villains are weird super villains and their leader now she is a surprise well not to Smash.
There is plenty of fighting among the super-powered people. Heroes vs freaks as they go all out. These villains are a strange group.
The Infinite Seven may end up needing a new Smash. Poor Anthony has had his world turned upside down and all around.
The comic does take some twists and turns that are out of left field. Without a clue about them, you have no chance of seeing them coming.

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