RICH REVIEWS: Sky Doll Sudra # 2

Title: Sky Doll Sudra # 2
Publisher: Titan Comics
Creators/Writers: Alessandro Barbucci & Barbara Canepa
Artist: Alessandro Barbucci
Cover Artists: Alessandro Barbucci & Barbara Canepa
Colors: Barbara Canepa in collaboration with Ctrille Bertin
Translation: Jessica Burton
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: Cleopatra is performing at the circus and her friends are there to see her.
The art and colors in this comic look great. The way the colors blend together is amazing.
Noa goes exploring the planet outside the city. It is a wild and dangerous place.
Yhala and Roy race to find Noa. While Jahu stays with Cleopatra after an accident occurred. Only Noa can save her now.
So a Sky Doll is an artificial being. Noa now was being used by Agape. Agape is drawn so beautifully.
Noa and Roy have a mission now to the planet of robots the only chance Cleopatra has. Noa for a robot does come across as a living feeling being.

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