Title: Buni: Happiness Is a State of Mind
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Author/Artist: Ryan Pagelow
Price: $ 14.99 US, $ 19.99 Can
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Websites: www.andrewsmcmeel.com , www.bunicomic.com
Comments: Buni is an optimistic rabbit who has a wonderful outlook on the world. The world though realistically is not so wonderful. The comic illustrations speak for themselves in their weird style of presentation. Weird in a funny warped way.
Buni has such a beautiful happy outlook on life. The world around him is not how he sees it. The world though would be a lot better place if more people saw it through his eyes.
This book uses pictures to show you what is going on. No words are used or needed. Buni is so positive it is sickening to see. The weird way Ryan Pagelow looks at the world will have you doing a double take. The art is beautifully done from one page to the next. The coloring is perfectly done. Buni’s expressions are all so wonderfully drawn.
Buni looks at everything from the best possible way even though it is the worse possible thing happening. The things that are shown within these pages you have never seen before and never will again.
Weird, twisted and funny you are sure to smile at this wonderful character. Buni is always positive in a negative world.