RICH REVIEWS: Zombie Tramp # 3

Title: Zombie Tramp # 3
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Creator: Dan Mendoza
Writers: Dan Mendoza & Jason Martin
Artist: TMChu
Colors: Jason Martin
Letters: Dave Dwonch with Jason Martin
Covers: TMChu/Jason Martin
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: This book contains pimp slapping, limb tearing, throat ripping and pervasive undead violence and gore!
Zombie Tramp is in battle with a zombie Elvis and his minions. Janey is one big breasted sexy zombie and she can fight. She has attitude. Against a huge Elvis copy well things do get violent and gory.
Janey on a helicopter that makes a fap fap fap sound is a cute joke at her being a zombie ho.
Wow Janey has a unique way of escaping and her powers are beyond what you might think. The art certainly showcases her assets beautifully.
Elvis does prove to be more of a challenge and Janey well she is gorgeous in her red bikini. Getting ripped apart by her might even be enjoyable.

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