Title: Hound (GN)
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writers: Sam Freeman & Sam Romesburg
Artist: Rodrigo Vasquez
Letterer: Justin Birch
Price: $ 19.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: From the private journal of Private Barrow. He joins a unit called the Hounds and this unit wears gas masks all the time.
There are some bleak landscapes illustrated here. War is not glamorous. War destroys so much.
Private Barrows and his unit the Hounds are so much more than just an army unit. The art brings out their quite dangerous side. Barrows have a choice to join them or not.
Barrows makes his first kill and finds out it is not easy dealing with them afterward.
Barrows has even more to deal with. The Hounds stand up to them. They are crazed maniacs out for his blood. Barrows remains calm as he does what he can against them. These Hounds are killers and they overwhelm Barrows with their pack mentality.
This story does take a few turns that may catch you by surprise. The ending well it is nicely done. The whole book is presented in such a way that it just flows and delivers a story that is beautifully told.
There is a lesson here too and it is a good one. Private Barrows is a good man and he knows right from wrong. He does the right thing and you can identify with his character. He is just a man like you and I living out his life. He is an impressive man.

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