Title: Deer Editor (TPB)
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writer: Ryan K. Lindsay
Artist: Sami Kivela
Colorist: Lauren Affe
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Price: $ 17.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: This book collects issues one to three.
The old-style blue and white art looks gorgeous. The Hack happens to be a half-deeper half-man character. He stands out among all the ordinary humans. Weirdly, nothing is said about him being this way.
The story flows along so nicely. This Hack is shown doing his job going after whoever the killer is. It would be nice if this Hack had a name. At times it is hard to understand what is going on with the Hack’s thoughts about the crime he is trying to get the story on.
It looks like the Hack is taking on Mayor Jackson here. Danger comes calling and it hits heavily. A girl even comes after him to try poison and then attack him. Whatever this Hack is uncovering is stirring up a lot of trouble.
This deer certainly just keeps going as he digs father into the Mayor’s life and his secrets. When he meets the Mayor finally we get the journalist’s name Bucky. Fitting for this deer/man.
Nothing is ever mentioned as to why this deer/man is here among ordinary humans. It is just accepted by all.
Bucky comes across as a person who cares deeply about his job and he works to be the best at it. This journalist has uncovered the truth but can he stay alive long enough for it to see print?
The blue and white coloring for this book is lovely to see. It is gorgeously done and stands out as something you do not normally see.
Dan while at a local bar gets more information than he had planned on. He is way over his head now. As things move along fast he finds his story is not what he expected. It is way worse.
Bucky is shown the half man/half deer and he is in trouble. His being tortured is painful to watch. Bucky is written and drawn as one tough person. This guy just does not give up on living or going after the story.
Bucky and Dan are both newsmen and here they are working together. These two characters in this issue just draw your attention to them. You will be focused on them as they talk about the story both are working on.
The excitement and fighting are hard and fast and very brutal. Yes, blood is drawn in more ways than one. The evil here is an ancient one that brings terror to this town.
Bucky is a traditional hard-assed journalist out to get his story and he will get it.
Bucky is on a story and he pushes hard as well to protect those in jeopardy. His story though is unbelievable.
Bucky is a deer/man anthromorph. This fact and that he is the only one among all the humans is not explained.
Bucky does get involved in getting the story. Seeing him in action is a thing of beauty. In a fight antlers vs fangs bet on the antlers. The illustrations of him battling it out do get gory yet they are poetry in motion.
Now Bucky and Rose the sacrifice are on the run. These two are attacked at every turn. That does not last.
Bucky and a Sub-Editor working with him now on breaking the story seem to mix well together.
Some things are not explained or shown well enough in this issue. Bucky’s personality and who he is is not gotten into at all. The other characters also needed more development. This Sub-Editor who was just put in. And the way this issue ends leaves you wondering if is it the last issue or if are there more.
The art coloring in blue and white looks gorgeous and gives this book a unique look.
There is a ton of extra art in this book by various artists.
Bucky is one tough-hitting Editor.

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