Title: Days Missing: Kestus
Publisher: Archaia/Roddenberry
Written by: Phil Hester
Art by: David Marquez
Colors by: Imaginary Friends Studios, Caravan Studios & Lizzy John
Letters by: Troy Peteri
Edited by: Paul Morrissey
Executive Editors: Trevor Roth, Eugene Roddenberry
Created by: Trevor Roth
Cover Art: Alex Ross
First Fold Written by: Trevor Roth
Colors by: Digikore & Rachelle Rosenberg
Letters by:Troy Peteri
Series Covers by: Alex Ross, Jorge Molina, Ryan Benjamin, David Mack & Dale Keown
Character Designs by: Dale Keown
Collected Edition Design and Layout by: Scott Newman
Collected Edition Edited by: Paul Morrissey
Price: $ 24.95 US
Title: Days Missing: Kestus
Publisher: Archaia/Roddenberry
Written by: Phil Hester
Art by: David Marquez
Colors by: Imaginary Friends Studios, Caravan Studios & Lizzy John
Letters by: Troy Peteri
Edited by: Paul Morrissey
Executive Editors: Trevor Roth, Eugene Roddenberry
Created by: Trevor Roth
Cover Art: Alex Ross
First Fold Written by: Trevor Roth
Colors by: Digikore & Rachelle Rosenberg
Letters by:Troy Peteri
Series Covers by: Alex Ross, Jorge Molina, Ryan Benjamin, David Mack & Dale Keown
Character Designs by: Dale Keown
Collected Edition Design and Layout by: Scott Newman
Collected Edition Edited by: Paul Morrissey
Price: $ 24.95 US
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Websites: www.DaysMissing.com , www.Archaia.com , www.Roddenberry.com
Comments: Chapter One: The Stewart notices Kestus has been active undoing days he has worked to save. Not sure how that works since if him saving them is undone it would mean the end of mankind.
Now the Stewart recounts his first meeting with Kestus. Kestus is a woman used to getting what she wants. She is more than just a woman and the Stewart makes the mistake of not seeing that.
The Stewart we see helping change the history of mankind. He looks out for mankind, guiding it. He is a man with a huge weight on his shoulders. It is a mystery though where he came from and why he does what he does.
Having Confucius as part of the story shows just how important the Stewart is. His guiding hand does change history.
Chapter Two: A Greek ship on its way to destroy an Egyptian fleet has an unexpected visitor in the Stewart.
The Stewart in this chapter fights to save knowledge. Here the Stewart again encounters Kestus. She is a beauty. Beautifully illustrated.
Here the lession to be learned is knowledge within a human is more important than any scroll of paper. People are more important than books.
Chapter Three: The Apollo Eleven mission is the important event this time. The Stewart and Kestus are in a battle of wits one to save the astronauts and one to kill them. Here though the Stewart reasons with Kestus. She does agree to try his way of doing things for a time. Both of these beings can and do influence humanity.
Chapter Four: It is Y2K and here it is becoming a reality. Things are not what they seem though.
kestus seems to have started to come around to thinking more like the Stewart. We also see how the Stewart is falling in love with Kestus. She is drawn as one beautiful woman and the Stewart as a rugred man even though both are not quite human.
The Stewart and Kestus are together for the New Year. They also do what most men and women do then.
Chapter Five: The Super Collider is about to be started. It may cause another Big Bang but there is only an almost nonexistance chance of that happening.
Kestus makes the ultimate sacrifice. She does the only thing she can to save the universe, to save humanity. This is so sad. The Stewart suffers this lose but goes on. You will feel his suffering through both the story and art. The ending to this book will leave you wondering what is next?
Kestus Character Retrospect: You get filled in on all the facts about Kestus here. It is well done.
Short Story: This story is about the first time the Stewart folded time. It is also about lots more such as him being a mystery even to himself. Here is where he starts his adventures.