Title: Archie Jumbo Comics 75th Anniversary Celebration # 5
Publisher: Archie Comics
Script: Frank Doyle, Bill Woggon, George Frese, Michael Gallagher, Bob Bolling, Mike Pellowski, Dan Parent, Tania Del Rio, Andrew Pepoy, Ryan Crawley
Pencils: Dan DeCarlo, Ray Gill, Bill Woggon, Harry Sahle, George Frese, Dan DeCarlo, Bob Bolling, Doug Crane, Gorelick, Dan Parent, Samm Schwartz, Tania Del Rio, Andrew Pepoy, Bill Golliher
Inks: Rudy Lapick, Ray Gil, Bill Woggon, Virginia Drury, George Frese, Henry Scarpelli, Chic Stone, Pen Shumaker, Jon D’Agostino, Samm Schwartz, Dan Parent, Rich Koslowski, Andrew Pepoy
Letters: Bill Vigoda, Bill Yoshida, Terry Szenics, Jack Morelli, Jeff Powell, Ridge Rooms, John Workman
Colors: Barry Grossman, Jason Jensen, Rosario “Tito” Pena
Cover by: Dan Parent
Price: $ 6.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archiecomics.com
Comments: “Health Nuts” Veronica Lodge wants to join a health club until she finds out what they will do for her. The expression of hatred on her face is priceless.
“Katy Keene” Well in this story it is one of her suitors that is featured. Katy though when we see her is a nice lovable girl. The art is beautifully done and readers actually helped with the art.
“Smellbound” Ginger falls for her history teacher. She is misguided in her thinking and than she misunderstands. All this leads to Ginger in a situation she did not want to be in but one we can all laugh at.
“Betty Betty Betty Betty Betty” Betty is a very special name for a very special girl. Lots of famous people have shared the name. The best Betty of them all of course is Betty Cooper.
“Hat Trick” Archie’s hat turns out to be good for more than just sitting on his head. It is a nicely drawn hat. He has fun with it as well.
“Two Little Words” Two words Archie and Veronica used right as they are in this story they say so much and convey so many emotions.
“Win Some, Lose Some” Cheryl wants it all. She does get it to for awhile. She also gets people upset and mad at her. Those are traits of hers.
“Fashion Victims!” There are lots of fashionable clothes for the girls in this story. Ginger is a fashion wiz and the clothing she makes is inspired by the Archie characters. The clothing looks amazing.
“Four-Color Fun” Aw Katy gets some love from a fan, a young girl. It is very emotional. The moment makes Katy so happy and her expression is beautiful.
“Swing Time” The teens all Swing Dance. Jughead and Veronica are good at Swing Dancing. Jughead really fills out a Zoot Suit nice.
Another great collection of stories and art that will give you enjoyment and make you smile.