The critically acclaimed Max Original adult-animated series HARLEY QUINN has been renewed for a fifth season. This biting and uproarious adult animated comedy follows Harley Quinn (voiced by executive producer Kaley Cuoco) as she strikes out on her own following her breakup with The Joker (Alan Tudyk). With help from Poison Ivy (Lake Bell) and a ragtag crew of DC castoffs, Harley attempts to work her way into the Legion of Doom, before an identity crisis sends her on a larger quest to find her true place in Gotham City. With appearances by DC’s most notorious characters and featuring a notable voice cast – including Christopher Meloni, Ron Funches, JB Smoove, Tony Hale, and others – Harley Quinn showcases the titular antiheroine’s killer journey from girlfriend to leading lady.
Collider declared HARLEY QUINN Season 4 “as irreverent and funny as ever,” noting that it “sets up a potentially dynamite Season 5.” IGN called it “wildly ambitious and audacious” with “meticulously detailed” animation. AV Club hailed it as “excellent animated series” and “a delight to watch,” noting that “the show’s voice cast never disappoints.”
“The talented Harley Quinn team has once again succeeded in delivering a season that builds on everything that has come before while still feeling fresh and inventive,” said Suzanna Makkos, Executive Vice President, Original Comedy and Adult Animation, Max and Adult Swim. “They continue to provide hilarious, heartwarming, and deranged stories with our lovable group of DC misfits, and we couldn’t be more excited for the fans to see what they’ve accomplished in season 5.”
“Harley Quinn has raised the comedic crowbar with every new season,” said Peter Girardi, Executive Vice President, Alternative Programming, Warner Bros. Animation. “We’re excited to continue this partnership with Max and take our biggest swing yet for season 5.”
“We’re thrilled that the news of Harley and Ivy’s continuing misadventures is finally out and we can stop telling people in secret,” said Executive Producers Justin Halpern, Patrick Schumacker, and Dean Lorey. “We must have handed out at least three thousand NDAs by now. It was a big waste of paper.”
Based on characters from DC, HARLEY QUINN Season Five is produced by Delicious Non-Sequitur Productions, Lorey Stories, and Yes, Norman Productions in association with Warner Bros. Animation. The series was developed by Justin Halpern, Patrick Schumacker, and Dean Lorey. Dean Lorey serves as Executive Producer and Showrunner. Executive Producers are Justin Halpern, Patrick Schumacker, Kaley Cuoco, Sam Register, and Katie Rich. Co-Executive Producers are Chrissy Romero. Supervising Producers are Cecilia Aranovich Hamilton and Ian Hamilton. Producer is Susan Ward. Consulting Producers are Jamiesen Borak and Leslie Schapira. Co-Producer is Vidhya Iyer.
Max recently announced a new HARLEY QUINN animated spin-off series titled KITE MAN: HELL YEAH! debuting in 2024, in which Kite Man and Golden Glider take their relationship to the next level by opening a bar in the shadow of Lex Luthor’s Legion of Doom.