The extremely talented Gianluca Cerritelli has been a popular and frequent contributor to FEMFORCE for nearly two decades, having first appeared in Femforce ‘way back in issue #119. Up to this point, he’s won acclaim among FF fans strictly as a penciler, but FF #185 brings the full flower of his creative range to the fore in a 26-page Ms. VICTORY opus that Gianluca will be writing AND inking in addition to penciling. Set during the dark days of World War II, this never-previously-told story out of the past takes a slightly different tack than the usual Femforce tale, as we see how motivations and events in Joan (Ms./Miss Victory)Wayne’s life lead to actions that affect geopolitical events. Then, an extra-long” TOO TALL” TARA adventure highlights her passion for conservation and environmental issues as an effort to curtail South African wildlife poaching brings TARA into contact with a giant reptile out of another age. When the anomalous creature is actually found to be part of a sinister international fraud scheme, the jolly “green” giant girl has no choice but to lower the boom! Plus, continuing developments in the master plan of The STRONG HAND, more information revealed about the mysterious BLITZFRAU; solo stories starring SHE-CAT, STARDUST and SYNN, and the latest chapter in the ongoing serial, The NEW Adventures of NYOKA, The Jungle Girl!! That’s all to be found in FEMFORCE #185; 80 pages of great action and adventure inside of full-color covers, coming in January, 2019- for $9.95 from AC Comics!!