TIM CHIZMAR (that’s meeee!!) featured on latest episode of THE MOVIE MEN PODCAST

I’m on latest episode and its LIVE right now anywhere you find good quality audio. We talk all things: Hollywood, nudists, movies, tv, chasing dreams, pivoting from bad ideas, and more!! Check it out!! Woooooooooooooooo!!

About Author
Writer, Producer, Ghost Rider enthusiast, & cat dad. Watch his movie THE NUDELS OF NUDELAND at NudistHumorist.com or HELLs COMING FOR YOU on Amazon.com ****** “I would especially read anything by Tim Chizmar, I go in that direction.” – KEVIN SMITH, Writer/Director of Clerks, Tusk, etc. ***** “Tim Chizmar reaches past the conventions of the commonplace and holds nothing back!” – CLIVE BARKER, the Writer/Director of Hellraiser, Lord of Illusions, Candyman.