In time for Free Comic Book Day, the bad guys take over the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with a nefarious new special full of criminal capers and villainous ventures – the 2000 AD Villains Takeover Special!
To complement Rebellion’s just-announced FCBD title, The Treasury of British Comics Presents Funny Pages, the 2000 AD Villains Takeover Special sees the baddies from some of the 2000 AD’s biggest strips, including Judge Dredd, Strontium Dog, and Sláine, get their moment in the spotlight – all for the low price of just 99p/99c
Published to coincide with Free Comic Book Day on 4th May 2019, the 32-page US-format special will be on sale from comic book stores, this is the ideal shelf-stuffer to tempt roguish readers into the world of 2000 AD.
Creators involved include Rob Williams (Suicide Squad) and Pat Mills (Marshal Law) with art from the likes of Swedish concept artist Henrik Sahlstrom, Kyle Hotz (Lucifer), Kael Ngu (Justice League), Henry Flint (Judge Dredd) and Chris Weston (The Filth).
In this improper issue we have the very best forbidden felons and outlandish outlaws – the lawman of the future faces a familiar rictus grin in JUDGE DEATH: THE JUDGE WHO LAUGHS by Rob Williams and Henrik Sahlstrom, and there’s fiendish fantasy with LORD WEIRD SLOUGH FEG: LORD OF THE HUNT by Pat Mills and Kyle Hotz.
There’s chem-wreathed criminality in the world of Rogue Trooper in BRASS AND BLAND: THE PROFESSIONALS by Karl Stock and Kael Ngu while malefactory mutant-bountyhunters-turned-bad-guys, The Stix, from Strontium Dog cause trouble in STIX: SLEEPING DOGS LIE by Matt Smith and Chris Weston.
And this issue is all rounded off by TERROR TALE: LAST OF THE HELLPHIBIANS by that master of the mendacious Henry Flint!
The 2000 AD Villains Takeover Special will be on sale from 1st May and is available for comic book stores to order in time for Free Comic Book Day from Diamond Distribution using code JAN192056.