The Jamie Coville Experience: Sketch Duel: Mike Rooth vs. Hugh Rookwood (and vs. Jay Fosgitt)

Toronto Comicon 2024 (March 15 – 17)

Sketch Duel: Mike Rooth vs. Hugh Rookwood (and vs. Jay Fosgitt)
The Moderator was JM Clark. While the artists did sketches, they spoke about a variety of topics. Rooth spoke about his YouTube channel where he goes outside and finds odd things like twigs, shriveled up mushrooms, and then draws with it, to show people you don’t need expensive fancy equipment and tools to make good art. The group spoke about the most successful piece that they were not happy with, if they worked digitally vs. traditionally, doing pencils, inks & colors, and their recent work. Jay told the story about writing a letter to Jim Henson as a young boy saying he wanted to be an artist and work for him, then eventually doing so and seeing that Jim kept that letter and his response. They did a drawing for the sketches and some sponsored art supplies.

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