THE BOOK CAVE: Lone Crow and The Gunmen of The Hollow Earth

Lone Crow and The Gunmen of The Hollow Earth
by Joel Jenkins

This is Joel Jenkins’s third visit with Lone Crow. Lone Crow meets up with the Old West’s exciting characters, the Earps and Doc Holliday along with Butch and Sundance and the Hole in The Wall Gang mixing it up in a world similar to Edgar Rice Burroughs’s Pellucidar.

Joel Jenkins has written several great ERB pastiches over the last several years. How often do you see some of the most famous characters of the Old West from both sides of the law join forces to battle against the prehistoric animals and people of The Hollow Earth?

I’ve watched Butch and Sundance movie several times along with several versions of the Earps and Doc Holliday. Between books, movies, and TV, I’ve seen several different versions, but Joel Jenkins version is one of the most realistic versions I’ve read.

Like all of Joel’s books you never know when someone might die or a minor character becomes a major character. As always, be careful about which character you become attached to. I don’t want to give too much away, but I like Tooth Stealer and would like to see more of him and the woman warrior Calah and their families. Plus let’s not forget our lovable grouch, Lone Crow. A few more adventures with him would be great. Here’s to seeing more exciting adventures in the Hollow Earth!

Make sure and check out all the other adventures by the best selling writer, Joel Jenkins.

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