As I mentioned last review, the zany folks at G-Man Comics are back again. Just about to deliver on their latest Kickstarter with a host of issues in the G-Man Universe. This latest Kickstarter reached full funding quickly as fans were eager to get more G-Man adventures. The second preview issue from this Kickstarter that is on my to-read pile is Lynx #2.

Lynx is the codename for a two-person team featuring Mateo Martinez and Maya Santiago. After Maya was kidnapped in a plot to blackmail her father she processed this traumatic incident by diving into self-defence training. Sgt. Flag and Mateo, Maya’s boyfriend, corporate security consultant and ex-military police officer, were the heroes that foiled the kidnapping. Naturally, Mateo stepped in to help Maya with her training in the Brazilian submission wrestling martial art of Luta Livre. At first, the couple would volunteer with local anti-gang community watch groups but fearing being identified, they eventually put on luchador masks and started down the path of being masked vigilantes.

So? What’s happening in Issue #2? While out and about, Mateo stumbles upon a stick-up at the liquor store. With a “craack” here and a “thwack” there, Mateo makes very short work of the would-be gunman. Returning home with his reward of a carton of milk he sits down to enjoy a bowl of sugar-frosted coco-bombs cereal. During breakfast, Maya updates him on a tip she got regarding a protection racket being perpetrated on the local shop owners. Enter Hombre Pinata. This evil-doer terrorizes business owners while extorting them for a payoff. This, of course, means that Lynx has to take Hombre Pinanta down! Add a warehouse, two caballero henchmen, Hombre Pinata, a few pin-up panels, some gunfire, and some punches and you have yourself an action-packed sequence that .. wait for it … results in Lynx saving the day and the bad guy in cuffs.
It’s a familiar trope but fun nonetheless. Writer Rik Offenberger isn’t trying to reinvent comic book storytelling here. He’s got one foot wonderfully planted in Nostalgialand for a genre that used to be a joy to read. A one-issue story, full of superhero action. And on that, Lynx delivers. Linework by Milton Estevam and colours by Teo Pinheiro show doors getting kicked in and colourful bad guys. What more can a comic fan want? There is even a little one-page adventure “ad” in the style of the old Hostess Fruit Pies ads.
Provided as part of a Kickstarter, this issue is currently only available if you had pledged. I guess the adage, “you snooze, you lose” applies for now until we get some news about issues being available elsewhere so don’t miss out again. Look for the next G-Man Comics Kickstarter, launching in August of this year HERE. Head on over to the official site HERE for more news.
Issue: Lynx #2 | Publisher: G-Man Comics
Writer: Rik Offenberger | Artists: Milton Estevam & Teo Pinheiro
Letters: Francisco Zamora | Script Editor: Chris Squires
Managing Editor: Jim Burrows | Cover Artist: Eric Shanower