Title: Zombie Tramp # 22
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Written/Created by: Dan Mendoza
Artwork by: TMCHu
Colors by: Marcelo Costa
Lettered by: Adam Wollet
Cover: TMCHU
Variant Covers: TMChu, Mendoza, Arruda Massa
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Warning: This book contains graphic images of zombie carnage and an insane murderous voodoo queen that may still arouse your loins!
Janey is the prisoner of Yagga. Now a female with a mohawk shows up to rescue her. She is one bad butt female. He name is Xula and she cares about Janey. She really starts kicking butt and doing a lot more to. Xula really cares about Janey. The art could have shown her off better though. Xula is featured this issue.
The astral projection of Janey is gorgeous with beautifully done shading. Janey Belle is so hot in this drawing.
The ending is stunning as a 200 year old tween shows up. She is drawn so cute and her red hair is stunning. Morning is here!