Title: Zombie Tramp # 12
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Creator: Dan Mendoza
Writers: Dan Mendoza
Artist: Victoria Harris, TMChu
Colors: Jason Martin
Letters: Adam Wollet
Covers: TMChu, Dan Mendoza
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Warning: This flight contains more than 3.4 ounces of blood and several other FAA violations!
Here it is Tramp on a plane. Zombie Tramp is waiting in line to board her plane. She is going on this trip to Florida to test herself to relax and stay calm. Once on the plane it becomes obvious that is not going to happen.
Well Janey our lovable Zombie Tramp is on a plane so of course she finds a Gremlin. He has such sharp pointy teeth and piercing eyes.
Zombie Tramp is drawn with huge breasts there is no way you can miss these things. So big and round.
There is a lot of action in the usual Zombie Tramp way as she and the Gremlin plummet out of a plane. They do make a lovely splat.
The big question this issue is who is Holly?
Janey’s wardrobe does show her off beautifully all dressed up or in lingerie. The pin-up page is gorgeous as is she. This is one zombie you will just love.