Title: Verge # 1
Publisher: Red 5 Comics
Script: Bryce McLellan
Art: Silvio dB
Color: Louie Joyce
Letters: Sean Rinehart
Cover: Dexter Wee
Price: $ 3.95 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.red5comics.com
Comments: Detective Connie Liu a cop knows how to deal with Vikings. Bolverk is a Viking with honor.
Now in this universe, something called the Verge occurred. People from other time periods exist in the modern world. The mixture of different cultures is a sight: Romans, Mayans, Vikings, Pagans, Egyptians all co-existing.
Connie and her partner Lucy get a no experienced wannabe detective Ravi Burns to ride along with them as they patrol the area of the people from the Verge.
One thing leads to another and Connie finds herself in a fight. Then she finds herself with the only person who knows about the Verge. Jack Curious is drawn as a strong man. He knows about the Verge.
The story here is done in a way that gives it a fresh take on time travel. The characters are interesting especially Connie who jumps out at you or anyone else she feels like jumping out at.
Connie and Lucy have a hard job of keeping all these different cultures in line. They have to make sure they are abiding by the law.