Title: The Super Sisters (GN)
Publisher: Papercutz
Story by: Christophe Cazenov and William Maury
Art and Color by: William Maury
Cover by: William Maury
Translation by: Nanette McGuinness
Lettering by: Wilson Ramos Jr.
Price: $ 9.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.papercutz.com
Comments: The two sisters Super W and Super M are fighting off an alien invasion. The girls especially Super M is so cute. Wendy and Maureen are two sisters that do find trouble. Maureen gets into trouble too. She rushes in where Wendy is more level headed.
Super W now wants it all too fast. She is not really ready to progress and goes to fast to soon. Her sister Super M though is there to handle the situation with intelligence.
Next up the Super Sisters take on a giant robot menace. How they take care of this huge threatening danger is cute. Well, they are cute sisters so, a cute solution suits them.
The sisters are getting to face all sorts of threats. Next up Tizombi who controls zombies. Then a dragon. These girls certainly do get into all sorts of adventures. They even have an underwater adventure in which they discover their weakness.
Waterproof the dentist is a fairy and she helps the sisters out with a problem. Waterproof is illustrated so cutely and sexy.
The sisters take on bugs and they are yucky looking and squishy.
Shel Kashmir is a villain and she has many ways of attacking the Super Sisters.
These two sisters Maureen and Wendy are just like any normal sisters except they have superpowers. They do save the day and have fun doing it.
The art is so cute throughout this issue. The girls are going to win your heart. These Super Sisters will show you what it is to be a hero. They have one grand adventure after another and you get to join them in all the fun.