Title: The Last Wardens # 3
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writers: Elliot Sperl, Amit Tishler
Artist: Rui Silveira
Colorist: Francesco Segala
Flats: Agnese Pozza
Letterer: Frank Cvetkovic
Covers: Zach Howard, Nelson Daniel
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.madcavestudios.com
Comments: This creature on the loose absorbes others into itself. This huge red thing is killing people. Yes it is presented like a horror movie.
Riddle is in command of the Wardens yet there is dissension in their ranks. They are fighting to stop this red creature. Riddle is drawn looking like a snowman lumberjack. He may be the leader but he acts like a spoiled rotten brat. He has some kind of control over them.
The story needs a focus to it. Why is this all happening? Who are the Wardens? Who is Riddle? What is this red creature? The reader needs some answers.
Will this creature just keep on growing if it is not stopped? As it spreads so to does the horror of the situation. This thing is not stopping.
The various creatures shown are all unique and each has its own abilities and personality. Dans is the best part of this comic as her pesonality stands out. Dans is a protector and she stands her ground.
About Author
Richard Vasseur is a Canadian who has had a love of comic books his entire life. I started out as just a fan reading comics every chance I had. This evolved into writing reviews for a small newsletter which evolved into having my own column at Jazma Online and doing interviews. I also worked briefly as a columnist at Comic’s Buyers Guide. Everyday I am involved with doing something comic book related and I love the hobby.