Title: Surfside Girls: The Secret of Danger Point (GN)
Publisher: IDW/Top Shelf
Creator/Writer/Artist: Kim Dwinel
Pages: 240
Price: $ 19.99 US, $ 25.99 Can
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Websites: www.idwpublishing.com , www.topshelfcomix.com
Comments: The colors are nice and soft, very lovely done. The beach scenes are beautiful. Jade and Sam are to cute girls. They are the best of friends. Jade though is maturing faster than Sam.
Sam makes a discovery and what a discovery it is. So Sam and Jade are going to investigate this. Only Sam can see the ghosts and her fear and uncertainty do come through in the writing as well as her friend Jade’s questioning attitude and fear over it.
The water color art does provide such a beautiful setting for this story. As do all the beach scenes.
Sam is given a task by the ghosts. Can she do it? We see here a mystery in only Sam seeing these ghosts and she will help them. Her friend Jade proves to be a good friend. Jade believes in Sam.
There is romance as well as Sam meets a cute ghost boy. Sam finally gets it about boys.
There are lots of mysteries abounding here. The two junior detectives even go undercover. They look so cute with fake mustaches. They also collect some nice clues.
Sam gets into some danger as she tries to save the Danger Point. The girls keep going working together to solve the mystery and save the Point.
Adventure, romance and mysteries abound here in this cute story with gorgeous art. This is one book your going to love.