RICH REVIEWS: Space Ghost # 1

Title: Space Ghost # 1
Publisher: Dynamite
Writer: David Pepose
Artist: Jonathan Lau
Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Cover: Francesco Mattina
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Comments: Jan and Jace and even Blip with their dad are under attack from pirates. The pirates are a unique sight. Jan is the tough sibling you do not want to mess with her. These two siblings suffer a great loss and then from the shadows he strikes. He strikes hard and fast.
The Galactic Patrol shows up and these space police are not doing a great job. Space Ghost jumps in and finds himself in a hard fight.
Blip it seems is much more than just some monkey. Jace and Jan are shown as capable as they fight. Jan is the physical one and Jace is mentally smart. Both love each other.
The art is gorgeously done. The aliens have a nice variety of species. The personalities of the characters are brought out in the art as well.
Jan does step up. She is courageous. Space Ghost though is shown in a scene with Brak and an evil pirate. If you were unsure about Space Ghost being tough you will not be after seeing this.
This issue is a great introduction and you learn so much. Space Ghost may be tough but he is also caring.
Space Ghost in action is a whirlwind of dark justice. He is like Batman in outer space with futuristic tech. Space Ghost is pure excitement.

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