Title: Skip to the Fun Parts (PB)
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Cartoonist: Dana Jeri Maier
Price: $ 16.99 US, $ 22.99 Can
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.andrewsmcmeel.com
Comments: The writing does let you know this is going to be a fun enjoyable read from the start.
One: Getting Started Let’s Do This Thing!
Here we see how drawing can enrich a child’s life and inspire adults. Children grow up and if they are lucky keep some of their childhood. Dana understands perfectly what it was like to be a child who enjoyed drawing. Obviously, Dana still does.
Two: Getting Started For Real This Time
The right tools for the trade are the ones you prefer to use. There are expensive ones and cheap ones. The art is simple yet fits right in with the writing. Anyone can easily follow what is being said. The little bits of color use accentuates the art nicely.
Three: Getting Out of the House, Generally Speaking, A Good Thing
Getting out of the house and going someplace traveling there presents different opportunities for drawing or writing. Some inspire while others are just there.
Four: Getting Started Right After I Do This Other Stuff On Procrastination
Distractions are everywhere. Plus it is human nature to goof off. So many things can make a person procrastinate. Even doing other jobs is procrastinating.
Five: Who Are We Creating For, Exactly? Instagram, Vision Boards, and Getting Out of Your Own Head
Once the internet and social media came along things changed. It was now possible to share things online and many people would see what you shared such as on Instagram. It is better to make art for you and not just to get likes.
Six: A Few Good Vices Find Yourself an Enemy and Maybe Try a Weed Gummy?
A nemesis can be a good thing. They make you think about your work more.
Seven: The Truly Scary Part Critiques and Feedback
This chapter is more about the writer’s dad had passed away and about her going through her old drawings and writings. Plus it shows that different people can look at the same thing and have different opinions.
In Conclusion: An Ode To All The Art I Didn’t Finish
You can tell the writer does love what she does and yes it can be challenging at times yet it is well worth it.
Dana is very insightful in her thoughts.