Title: September Mourning, Complete Collection (GN)
Publisher: Top Cow
Created by: Marc Silvestri & Emily Lazar
Cover by: Marc Silvestri
Price: $ 16.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.topcow.com
Comments: This collects September Mourning issues one to four. September Mourning is based on Emily Lazar’s on-stage alter-ego.
“Chapter 1 A Murder of Reapers” Writer Mariah McCourt, Artist Sumeyye Kesgin, Colorist Betsy Golden and Letterer Troy Peteri.
The art is stunning September Mourning is illustrated so beautifully. She starts out narrating the story. Here there are two worlds Covington and Mortem. Fate is an actual being here. He is kind of a frightening being just by existing.
September Mourning is drawn having a unique look. She is a human creature hybrid with Reaper powers.
Next, we meet Claire a blind girl who can see Reapers. When September Mourning and Claire meet they are joined by Reapers and the battle is on.
“Chapter 2 The Hand of Fate” Writers Emily Lazar & Mariah McCourt, Artist Sumeyye Kesgin, Colorist Katarina Devic and Letterer Troy Peteri.
September Mourning is exciting as she explodes into battle action.
Seps may be part Reaper but she is a caring kind soul who wants only to help others.
Next Hannah is introduced. She is a drug addict. Now the group is complete.
“Chapter 3 Trinity” Writer David Hine, Artist Tina Valentino, Colorist Katarina Devic, and Letterer Troy Peteri.
September Mourning is drawn so she practically jumps off the page at you. Your attention immediately focuses on her. In a fight, Seps is a flurry of activity as she kicks butt.
So Seps, Claire and Hannah form the Trinity. They are together and they know what they have to do but so does Fate. The tension builds as they get ready to face Fate.
“Chapter 4 When September Ends” Writer David Hine, Artist Tina Valentino, Colorist Katarina Devic, and Letterer Troy Peteri.
Claire has the heart of a lion she has no fear of Fate.
The Trinity each posses a weapon of magical power.
Seps and friends plan to reopen the portal to the afterlife. Fate steps in and this creature is unlike any you have seen. His actions are unpredictable. He creates chaos.
The concept art in the back is gorgeous. September Mourning is a hauntingly beautiful soul.