Title: Martian Comics # 4
Publisher: Martian Lit
Writer: Julian Darius
Artists: Sergio Tarquini, Andi Supriyono
Colors: R.L. Campos, Donovan Yaciuk
Letters: Julian Darius and Steven Legge
Cover Art: Sergio Tarquini with Colors by Donovan Yaciuk
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.martianlit.com
Comments: “The Devil’s Confession” Jonathan Skilling he owns A.R.M.S. Corporation, a weapons manufacturing company. Jonathan used the world situation and communism to become successful. He gives us a lesson on war and arms sales and all he wants is to make money. The images of wartime are beautifully illustrated as it shows war is bleak and deary. This Martian possessing a human body is evil. This being has no feeling about killing people for its own gain, none at all.
“Cargo Cult” In Earth’s primitive past we see a beautifully designed and illustrate spaceship. Here too we learn how the Pharaohs came to be. The Pharaohs learned to rule by following the example set by the Martians.
It is wonderfully set up the storytelling as we follow the Martians and the way they interact with Earth society. For the most part, they wish to control and rule Earth and its people. In primate times it was straightforward and in modern times it is more behind the scenes being subtle.