RICH REVIEWS: Maga Man Origin Volume One

Title: Maga Man Origin Volume One
Publisher: Nice One Comics
Created & Produced by: Jerry ‘Judge’ Hinds
Writer/Artist/Letterer/Colorist/Covers: Jerry ‘Judge’ Hinds
Price: $ 20.00 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: “Fight! Fight! Fight! Part 1: Crossing The Line”
Wow, Maga Man’s thoughts that everyone is against him and Fake News is mentioned. The villains here call him a racist fascist and from the way he thinks he probably is. The art gives him a muscular body with a cape and shield he looks like a combination of Superman and Captain America. His face shows an old man and yes the artist has captained beautifully the look of the real Donald Trump.
It does not take long before Maga Man has his first racist thought. Trump’s pictures and drawings of him are covering the buildings his ego is huge. He does mention how much better he is than the villains. Trump goes out of his way to put down gender-neutral people.
We get a super short origin story Elon gives Ttrump a suit and shield to fight Trump’s enemies. Nothing is explained about its creation or what it does. Later we get a brief rundown of the suit’s abilities.
Trump is rude and insulting, calling one man Ms. Dragg, fat and a boy.
It even says Maga Man is more super than Superman.
Maga Man does see a lot of action and yes the art brings it out and delivers exciting action. Maga Man is a vigilante who operates outside the law.
This story ends with Maga Man on his hands and knees.
“Maga Man Fact File” There is a female robot that is well designed, Optima. The art on her is fantastic too bad she is only briefly shown. In this section, she tells us all about the Maga suit. A cape was added after Mr. Trump was shot in the head, to protect his head. A cape protects the head?
The writer of this comic seems to be on Trump’s side yet the way things in it come across it makes Trump look like a complete idiot. It is hard to fully tell if this comic is done as a joke to poke fun at Trump or as a tribute.

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