Title: Lumberjanes # 33
Publisher: BOOM! Studios/BOOM! Box
Created by: Shannon Watters, Grace Ellis, Noelle Stevenson & Brooke Allen
Written by: Shannon Watters & Kat Leyh
Illustrated by: Carolyn Nowak
Colors by: Maarta Laiho
Letters by: Aubrey Aiese
Cover: Kat Leyh
Variant Cover: Alexandra Glenn-Collins
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.boom-studios.com
Comments: Diane gets to stay at camp but without any of her magical godly powers. So of course she and her fellow camp mates bend the rules and go magical artifact hunting.
At Apollo’s cabin Diane and her friends encounter a deadly trap. One of them almost does not make it.
Diane starts acting all weird as they search for magical artifacts.
Ok this story takes one totally unexpected turn.
The Lumberjanes are barely in this issue and the comic needs them in it. The focus on Diane and other kids is done ok but they are not the Lumberjanes.
Diane herself does make for an awesome camper. Having a goddess is exciting.