Title: Johnny Boo and the Silly Blizzard (HC)
Publisher: Top Shelf Productions
Creator/Writer/Artist: James Kochalka
Price: $ 9.99 US, $ 13.99 Can
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.topshelfcomix.com/
Comments: Johnny and Squiggle look at snow as something else. Johnny comes across as a fun character who just likes having fun and enjoying life. He is simply drawn as is the entire comic which works very well.
Johnny, Squiggle and the Ice Cream Monster do make an event out of discovering snow. Snow can be fun if you play with it right. If not troubles await you.
I bet you never knew just how silly snow can be with silly people playing in it.
One thing Johnny Boo does really well is say BOO! He is also one nice guy.
This story is one simply adventure that is sure to entertain young minds and maybe older ones to. Johnny is an uplifting character and he will put you in a good mood. You will learn that snow can be a lot more fun than you ever imagined.
Johnny may have a silly blizzard on his hands yet he is the silly one.