Title: John Carpenter’s Tales of Science Fiction: Vault # 3
Publisher: Storm King Productions, Inc
Series Created by: John Carpenter & Sandy King
Vault Created & Written by: James Ninness
Pencils and Inks by: Andres Esparza
Colors: Sergio Martinez
Lettering: Janice Chiang
Cover Art by: Tim Bradstreet
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.stormkingproductions.com
Comments: The Captain and her crew have found out a fungus has being causing the problems. The creatures onboard the ship are hideous monstrosities.
The crew do fight for their lives against these creatures. As they battle it is exciting to see the life and death struggle.
The use of colors is well done. We get some bright vibrant colors. Also some nice subdued ones in the backgrounds.
This story unfolds like a sci-fi horror movie. The ending kind of leaves you hanging. It does end like a lot of horror movies do.
The art throughout this comic is stunning it is well worth picking up this comic just to see the illustrations.