RICH REVIEWS: In Search of Superpowers: A Fantasy Pin World Adventure

Title: In Search of Superpowers: A Fantasy Pin World Adventure (TP)
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Writer: Briana Lawrence
Illustrated by: Joanna Cacao
Price: $ 12.99 US, $ 17.99 Can
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: “Angela and the Quest for Saturday Freedom” Angela is an excitable girl, she just loves getting deliveries. Princess P and Swanson T Swan is a love of Angela’s. Now Angela has a lot of changes in her life and she is adjusting well, yet you can tell it is hard. She does have fun with some things and pins are one of them.
“You Can’t Spell Sophie Without Becca” Sophie and Becca are twins and they are going on a sleepover. The two sisters do not always get along. Both are into collecting enamel pins only Becca is more so into them.
“Travis: The Lad, The Myth, The (Stered) Legend” Travis and Rhyan are playing a game and having fun. The game has enamel pins it and Rhyan collects the pins. Dara is the leader of the pin-collecting group.
There is some drama and young teen feeling as certain people’s sexuality is more than hinted at.
“Sky(Lar)’s the Limit,” Skylar thinks of himself as them or they. Skylar is a good kid and he likes to help out his parents who are struggling for money wise. Skylar does have a loving family.
“An Explosive Saturday” Skylar and Angela are having a sleepover. Now the city has a loud Boom! occur. Now four limited pins come online and the group of kids want them for one reason or another.
“Shipping and an Attempt at Handling” Sophie, Angela, Skylar, and Travis all get one of the limited edition pins. Now the way they get them you just know something strange is going on. The kids notice things are happening and they are tied to the pins.
“Fantastic Meetings” The kids are on a field trip to a local amusement park. Here the four kids with the special pins meet up and they discover yes the pins are very special. The four of them do come up with a plan on what to do next.
“Pinned Truths” We see the kids living normal lives and talking about crushes and the special pins are just a part of that they do not take over. Sophie and Becca the twin sisters have an argument that their mothers take control of. It is nice to see the kid who is right being treated as such.
“Duplicate” Pieces of the puzzle start to fall together in this chapter. Lots of drama here as well. Where is this all leading to? The mystery continues.
“Pinned Confrontations” Three of the four kids decide it is time to confront Angela the four-pin holder. Angela and Skylar are best friends who both care so much about each other and here there is an emotional scene that will bring tears to your eyes.
“Paul” Here the suspense builds as the kids start putting everything together.
This book leaves you hanging and wanting more as it is continued. Yes, you will feel compelled to read the next book in this series.
Joanna Cacao’s art illustrates the characters helping to bring them to life for this book.
The romantic/sexuality of the characters is mentioned a lot. The book is very open and comfortable with this.

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