Title: Grim # 15
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Written by: Stephanie Phillips
Illustrated by: Flaviano
Colored by: Rico Renzi
Lettered by: Tom Napolitano
Cover by: Flaviano
Variant Covers by: Zu Orzu, Dan Mora, Vincenzo Riccardi, Derrick Chew, Mel Milton, Inaki Miranda, Ingrid Gala
Created by: Stephanie Phillips and Flaviano
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.boom-studios.com
Comments: The three Fates sit in a restaurant wondering if they can do more than foretell destiny can they now actually create it? They start to tell this priest a story, but what does this have to do with Jess and the rest of the comic?
In Hell, Jess sees her friend Marcel’s hell. As the three of them go to leave Hell strange things start happening.
Jessica Harrow is drawn as one beautiful gothic girl. She is the Grim Reaper’s daughter. We are treated to not one but two cute butt shots of her.
Back on Earth with the three Fates and the Father, they tell the story of Jess and her friends in Hell.
Jess and her friends make it back to Earth and Annabel confronts Jess. Annabel now is illustrated as a hellish creature the likes of which you have never seen before. She also has more than just herself. She has an army of Reapers, plus more.
Jess, Eddy, Marcel, the 3 Fates, and a Priest are all trapped in a dinner. Finally, Jess takes command and she has a plan. Can she save everything, all planes of existence? She is now determined to do just that.