RICH REVIEWS: Eve: Children of the Moon # 1

Title: Eve: Children of the Moon # 1
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Written by: Victor LaValle
Illustrated by: Jo Mi-Gyeong
Colored by: Brittany Peer
Lettered by: Andworld Design
Cover: Ario Anindito
Variant Covers: Jahnoy Lindsay, Miguel Mercado, Marcus Williams, Juunggeun Yoon, Tony Fleecs
Created by: Victor LaValle and Jo Mi-Gyeong
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: Eve and her friends are enjoying the fact they saved the Earh and it is now regrowing so the human race has a chance of surviving. Eve’s friends are not average, one is her clone, another a murderous robotic teddy bear Wexler, her parents are holograms on a space station.
Eve’s clone it turns out is no longer a exact copy of her. Even just looking at the two you see one is taller. The virus is now gone but for the clone it may have changed her in unknown ways.
Eve, her sis and Wexler check out a station to see how it is doing.
The art is amazing as it showcases the world and the people in it. Eve is a teen girl yet you can easily tell she is way mature for her age. She had the weight of the world on her shoulders and she still does. It falls to her to make sure everything is going well.
The people at the station are not grateful to Eve or her companions quite the opposite. So what will Eve do? Lots of tension as it sets up for what is to come.
The issue flies by so fast its over before you know it and you are left wanting more.

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