Title: Creepshow: Joe Hill’s Wolverton Station # 1
Publishers: Image Comics/Skybound Entertainment
Writers: Joe Hill & Jason Ciaramella
Artist: Michael Walsh
Letterer: Pat Brosseau
Covers: Michael Walsh, Gebriel Rodreguez, Maria Wolfe
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.imagecomics.com , www.skybound.com
Comments: Saunders is one antiques guy who buys strange and weird items only trouble is he cheats the people he buys from. Saunders has to go on a trip to acquire an item he wants.
Now the strange part here are the people Saunders meets on his way to get the item. On a train, Saunders encounters things that create fear. The build-up is nicely done as you feel the fear increasing.
The art of the werewolves presents them as a fighting group. They do get gory. The talk you read is gory as well and will have you feeling afraid.
The story does end just how you think it will. Even parts of it leading up to the ending are predictable. The story itself is good but there are no surprises in it.
Sol is a crafty old man who manipulates people better than Saunders does. Saunders is so full of himself that he does not think anyone can outthink him.
In this book, the unique thing about it is there is no one for the reader to like or route for.