RICH REVIEWS: Charred Remains # 1

Title: Charred Remains # 1
Published by: Mad Cave Studios
Writer: Anthony Cleveland
Artist: Andrea Mutti
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: A child is caught in a fire while a firefighter tries to reach him. The child is terrified of the Fire Man. This child fears the Fire Man more than anything even the fire that is about to kill them.
Then we skip ahead twelve years. The child is now a young woman and one who is interested in following any local fires.
Vic is a firefighter and as he is fighting a fire something strange happens. You can feel Vic’s dedication and caring as he works to help others.
The young woman’s name is finally revealed Amy. She saw the Fire Man when she was little and now he has returned. He appears to be some sort of demonic creature. Yes, he is starting fires and it looks like he may be targeting Amy. The art on the FIre Man is amazing and the fires are outstanding. You will know fire is to be feared.
The mystery surrounding the Fire Man continues. There are a ton of unanswered questions about him and also about Amy. Both characters have something about them that makes you want to come back and learn more.

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