by Lou Mougin

​I’ve had the great honor and privilege of knowing Lou Mougin online for over 20 years and read many of his comic books and novels he has written. Joe Computer is the latest book he has written. This is the first time I’ve read a private detective from the computer world. I was very impressed and entertained by the story. Joe Computer is the most unusual hero I’ve ever read and Lou Mougin has shown why he is considered one of the best writers today.

​Joe Computer fights against villains that I have never seen before. This book is a collection of Joe Computer’s adventures in the computer world. The main villain is something I’ve never seen before and I was very impressed by him. I hope to read more adventures of Joe Computer and his incredible friends and world. I plan on reading more of Lou Mougin’s comic books and novels very soon. Be sure and check out Lou Mougin’s Amazon Page for more of his comic books and novels.

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