REVIEW CORNER: Ultimate Spider-Man # 28

Ultimate Spider-Man # 28
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Penciller: Mark Bagley
Inker: Art Thibert
Colorist: Transparency Digital
Letterer: Chris Eliopoulos

Cover Date: December 2002


This week I will look at Ultimate Spider-Man # 28 which features the debut of the Ultimate Rhino but will Spidey show up to stop his rampage…?! I think we should find out.

The story starts with Mary Jane telling Peter about a guy in a high-tech rhino suit tearing up the NYC street. Suddenly he gets cornered by several obstacles such as a parent/teacher’s meeting with Aunt May, running into security, and finding Gwen in distress as she finds out her mother is leaving. He then finally manages to slip out and change to Spider-Man, but it doesn’t end well (**NO SPOILERS**); This issue finds itself using any element from an old sitcom to tell a story such as this one because you can’t help but feel bad for Peter, especially since he has to handle business as Spider-Man; I like the way how Bendis structures every complication that’s thrown Peter’s way that keeps the teenage drama and the high school atmosphere real as possible but always find a balance of being entertaining and enlighting without falling into the boredom spectrum. While this may have been one of the more subdued stories from this run, it is easy to see why many fans who grew up with this title find certain factors that they can relate to but this is another reason why the original volume of Ultimate Spider-Man is still a good read that holds up to this day.

Well, that’s it for me. I’ll be back next week so thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

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