O.M.A.C. # 1
Co-Writer: Dan DiDio
Co-Writer/Penciller: Keith Giffen
Inker: Scott Koblish
Colorists: Hi-Fi
Letterer: Travis Lanham
Cover Date: November 2011
This week I will look at a particular title that Keith Giffen worked on and that’s “O.M.A.C.# 1”, one of the titles that were a part of the infamous “New 52” reboot from 2011 that changes EVERYTHING that we love about the DC universe. While most of us embraced some of the more remarkable aspects of the New 52, for the most part, there was some terrible material being pushed out. Call me crazy but I think O.M.A.C. was one an entertaining title after the first issue came out (Too bad it only lasted eight issues) that features Cadmus employee Kevin Kho being transformed into O.M.A.C. (The One Man Army Corps- Bless you, Jack Kirby) courtesy of Brother Eye that quickly feels more like a Hulk story but it served its purpose in giving us a title that most DC fans would have enjoyed.

Keith Giffen’s artwork was known for its abstract yet odd look due to the cramped layouts and the action sequences being overshadowed thanks in part to his layouts, but on “O.M.A.C.” he borrowed heavily from the king himself, Jack Kirby because his art looks very clean and refined. Scott Koblish deserves credit thanks to his inking (He really channeled his inner Terry Austin for this series and I thank him for that); Overall, this was some of Giffen’s best work to date that only adds to the brilliance of his legacy that will always be looked at with excellence.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

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