REVIEW CORNER: Murder My Mail # 1

Murder My Mail # 1 (2023)
Writer/Artist: Joshua Werner

This week, I’ll take a look at “Murder By Mail” by Joshua Werner, a comic that serves as a role-playing experience that puts the reader in the shoes of a private investigator who works for Illicit Investigations in Cleaver Country. The father of a woman named Annie Donovan has been brutally murdered in a hit-and-run which comes months after the murder of Annie’s mother (Which remains unsolved); This comic is very unique with the type of story it’s trying to tell as you get to pour through many evidence and interviews that may give you a clue to who’s the real killer. Anyone expecting this comic to feature a full-length story with panels and plenty of dialogue may be sorely disappointed. Still, I feel like this is a great experience for any crime enthusiast who wants a thrill ride in solving a murder mystery from beginning to end.

Fans of “The First 48” and “Snapped” will find everything to like about this comic and thanks to Mr. Werner’s creative efforts, this series will find anyone putting their knowledge of criminology to good use. Even the die-hard “Law & Order” fanatics will get a kick out of this.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you next time.

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