Lynx # 4 (2024)
Writer: Rik Offenberger
Script Editor: Chris Squires
Artist: Alan Faria
Letterer: Eric N. Bennett
I’ll look at the latest issue of “Lynx” from G-Man Comics which sees the duo dealing with a twisted mirror version of themselves.

In this issue, the characters of Vencejo & Pollita raise havoc as a crime-fighting duo that takes vigilantism to such brutal heights that it catches the attention of Lynx; There are similarities between Vencejo and his sidekick that feel so much like a more polished and Hollywood-esque take on Batman, Offenberger does wonders when it comes to taking a more realistic approach that doesn’t have him recycling anything that’s been done before but instead takes the readers on an emotional journey into the lives of two vigilantes who find each other through tragedies they both suffered in their personal lives while doing everything they can to find some form of redemption within themselves. The story itself is an interesting read with a grim ending (**NO SPOILERS**) but when real-life elements come together in the world of comics, you will never have to worry about the narrative being one-dimensional because when approached maturely, you will end up getting a good story that will resonate throughout time.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

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