RBI Baseball 20 (Xbox One) Let’s Play Video Review

While the coronavirus has struck and delayed Major League Baseball opening day by (at least) two weeks, the baseball video games have hit the stands right on time. So while you may not be able to watch Mookie Bettes help the Dodgers win a World Series, the Indians continue to not spend money or the Astros cheating during home games you can enjoy some virtual baseball.

When RBI Baseball first returned for the modern era of video games it was a rather bare-bones game designed mainly to give Xbox and Switch owners a baseball game to enjoy since Sony had the exclusive first-party console rights. The game has gotten more features every year and now, a year before MLB the Show goes multi-platform, it is a nice little game with a more arcade version of the national pastime.

Lucas and I give exhibition mode at try, or honestly two tries as you will see in the video, playing the Red Sox and Indians respectively. We go over the new controls for this version, struggle with base running and have some very interesting glitches pop-up. Nothing an update or two can’t fix so check out the video and see if RBI Baseball 20 is worth your time.

This will hopefully be the first in a series of videos for RBI Baseball 20. We also plan on checking out the Home Run contest mode, the play-offs and a little of the franchise mode.

Warning; there are three bad words uttered during this broadcast. Sometimes when playing a baseball video game it just can’t be helped. My apologies in advance.

Watch the video review

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