NBM Graphic Novels is proud to announce the release schedule from May through August 2022. Among the titles announced are Mikael’s followup to Giant, Boot Black; the latest volume to our music biography series, David Bowie in Comics!; Big Scoop of Ice Cream, a new autobiography from cartoonist Conxita Herrero; and a collection of Bluesman by Rob Vollmar and Pablo Callejo, collecting the entire series in paperback for the first time!
MAY 2022

By the author of the critically acclaimed “Giant”: on the German front, in the spring of 1945: the war leaves only death and destruction in its wake. To escape the horror of the present, Al, an American soldier, the only survivor of his unit, immerses himself in the memories of his New York life.
Son of German immigrants, born in the United States, he was not yet ten years old when, in one night, under the approving eyes of anti-immigrant Americans, he lost his parents and his home in a terrible fire. Turning his back on his origins, Al has no choice but to live on the streets; he becomes a Bootblack, a shoe shiner. With his friend Shiny, they somehow manage to survive by sticking together.
Six years later, in 1935, they meet Buster and the ambitious Diddle Joe. And then there’s Maggie, the girl Al is in love with and whose esteem he ardently longs for. And this, even as she makes it clear to him that they do not live in the same world. New York offers no future for the poor, Al understood that. He is therefore determined to earn more money, whatever the means. But he does not imagine, at that point, that the war which threatens will soon give him an appointment with his past…
9×12, 128pp., color hardcover, $24.99; ISBN 978-1-68112-296-0; e-book $9.99, 978-1-68112-297-7
JUNE 2022

Thierry Lamy, Nicolas Finet, various artists
From David Jones to David Bowie and from Space Oddity to Black Star, discover the fate of an artist with a thousand faces.
He is one of the most influential and creative artists of the 20th century. He explored a thousand styles and crossed the ages with splendor.
His loss leaves an immense void… to fill it, discover his incredible destiny in this comics biography.
176pp., 7 ½ x 10″, full color HC, $27.99, ISBN 978-1-68112-298-4; e-book: $16.99 978-1-68112-299-1
JULY 2022

Conxita Herrero
It’s about life in our time, about being a young adult woman in the early twenty-first century.
Conxita, in her twenties, the latest representative of a whole generation, lost her heart somewhere between Madrid and Barcelona. A ‘real spitfire’ according to her mother, she faces everyday events with great courage. A former student of Fine Arts, she draws her every adventure, from her apartment that she shares with a girl who’s her mirror image, her household, her computer, her dreams to elsewhere, her escapes to the beach, her telephone conversations with friends, to her more or less happy dates. In this autobiographical tale in seventeen short tableaux, Conxita Herrero shakes up preconceived ideas about the transition to adulthood.
In a minimalist and rigorous style, she plays with antagonisms and mixes inertia and movement, silent panels and intimate, mysterious dialogues, bare lines and pure colors. Freeing herself from the “concern for truth” specific to the autobiography, the author sheds any sentimentality and provides her sets and her characters with sketchy features a strange and fascinating dimension oscillating between reality and dream.
6.5×9.25 full color trade pb with flaps, 144pp., $17.99. ISBN 978-1-68112-294-6; ebook: $9.99; 978-1-68112-295-3

Rob Vollmar, Pablo Callejo
“In its knowing play of dark words and raw images, Rob Vollmar and Pablo Callejo’s earthy graphic novel tells a tale worth hearing – and seeing.
Bluesman, in the end, is a cathartic ghost story. Is there a better description of the blues?”
Bluesman, in the end, is a cathartic ghost story. Is there a better description of the blues?”
– Laurel Maury, NPR
Now collected into one stunning paperback!
This story, structured like a traditional twelve bar blues song, with three sections each made of four chapters, follows blues musician Lem Taylor’s harrowing journey starting in juke joints he appears in, to across Arkansas of the late twenties, a black man hunted down for a crime he didn’t commit. A racially intense story presenting a significant aspect of black history, its music, its social injustice.
6×9, 224pp., B&W trade pb., $19.99; ISBN 978-1-68112-300-4, ebook: $9.99, ISBN 978-1-68112-301-1