I love seeing Kickstarters for second issues. That means the first one was well received, delivered and the creators are in a position to continue their story. Recently we were sent some info for the new Kickstarter fundraising project for Wild Rose #2: Fallen From Grace and I dove right in.

“Wild Rose is a reimagining of the Irish folktale of Eliza Day, a peasant girl who seeks revenge against the English aristocrat who courted her then betrayed her and left her for dead. This comic explores class, race, religious intolerance, and women’s roles in 18th century Europe.”
“When Eliza is seduced and betrayed by a wealthy English lover, she vows to seek revenge and enlists the help of a witch. But as she soon finds out, the restrictive society in which she lives has no place for defiant, damaged women who break with convention. With the help of Adam Stone, a free Black man, Eliza has a chance to make a new life for herself after the loss of her innocence – but to do so, she will have to be braver than she could ever have imagined.”

Rewards vary from digital to physical copies with the standard prints and signed copies as perks. One reward that I always love to see is the opportunity to be drawn into the comic in a speaking role.
Writer Nicola R. White is an award-winning Canadian author and Wild Rose has received coverage locally, nationally and internationally so Issue #2 is sure to successfully reach their funding goals. Artist Kara Brauen has a nice, clean style that very much suits the subject material. Veteran comic artist Sandy Carruthers provides letters and some wonderful digital colouring that highlights Kara’s art extremely well.
You can see the campaign at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/799734364/wild-rose-issue-2 so pop on over and support the project.