It is always nice to see a Kickstarter for a second issue. It means someone’s dream project was successful, rewards were sent off, pledges honoured and interest was high enough to warrant a second go. Martin Deschatelets at Expired Comics is in just such a situation as they recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for Big Nick #2.

Big Nick was a fun comic with a good dose of humour. As the folks at Expired put it, “Get ready to laugh, cry and be moved by this literary and artistic slugfest!” In issue #1 we saw Emergence Day where a gigantic robotic moose erupts from the deepest depths of the Earth. Our esteemed hero, Big Nick has kept himself busy defending Canada and the world since then. In issue #2 we open up on an award ceremony where the local Mayor is awarding Big Nick for his heroism. What a perfect time for the proverbial poop to hit the metaphorical fan. The biggest, baddest foe to ever challenge Big Nick makes his appearance. The colossal Bedrock Titan. Huge, irate and ready to smash things, this mysterious beast is out to make Big Nick’s life harder than it needs to be.

The Kickstarter is looking for funds to print and distribute the comic book. Art is progressing and it should all be ready close to the end of the campaign. Reward tiers include advertising within the comic book, being drawn in as a character, art print bundles, physical copies of Big Nick #1 and #2 and lots of other goodies. If you would like to support the project swing by Kickstarter and add a pledge.