I Love Comics (Blah, Blah, Blah…)

*All comics will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10*

The Avengers # 12
Batman # 145
Blue Beetle # 8
Deadpool # 1
Geiger # 1
Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II # 1
The Immortal Thor # 9
Minor Threats: The Fastest Way Down # 1
Redcoat # 1
ROOK: Exodus # 1
The Sensational She-Hulk # 7
Shazam! # 10
Spider-Man: Shadow of the Green Goblin # 1
Superman ’78: The Metal Curtain # 6
Vengeance of The Moon Knight # 4

Deadpool # 1– Cody Ziglar (Miles Morales: Spider-Man) and Roge Antonio take over covering the Merc with a Mouth’s new adventures (The timing of this title coming out is more surprising given us how “Deadpool & Wolverine” will be out in theatres this summer) but as much as I want to find any excitement for this new series, it feels like the creative team played it safe by having Wade Wilson go back to his mercenary roots instead of continuing the direction from Alyssa Wong’s run, the status quo was reverted which I feel hurts this title because while Wade’s tenure as a merc was always fun to read while taking on the gory elements of it, it would have been nice to see something new and exciting; Wade’s humor, however, also feels flat and not-so-comical that doesn’t do him any favors because while Ziglar is not copying Fabian Nicieza, Joe Kelly (He set the bar high with his beloved run) or Daniel Way he could have turned the one-liners and jokes up a notch. There are a few laughs here and there, but for now, it’s the only good thing about this issue.

Geiger # 1– Ghost Machine officially launched with the debut of three titles, this being one of them and right away it’s an accessible read for newcomers that finds everyone’s anti-hero wandering in a post-apocalyptic world where the spaghetti western factor is still intact and Gary Frank’s pencil art is still magnificent (Him and Geoff Johns bring out the best in each other whenever they collaborate) but one of the coolest moment out of this issue is when Geiger unleashes his radioactive powers while looking back on the life that he had highlighted the pain that Geiger carries which makes his characterization all the more interesting even if this is a story that’s been told many times before, it’s still a solid read but I feel that we’ve only begun to see the more intriguing parts of Geiger’s life unfold that will undoubtedly be revealed as time goes on.

Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II # 1– This sequel delivers plenty of action along with giant robots to make it more lively to where it’s an adventure that anyone will look forward to; Kudos to Cullen Bunn for making great use of The White Ranger while having him encounter some alternate reality versions of the Power Rangers, making this premise feels fresh while making sure is the thrill ride of a lifetime. Sequels, for the most part, can feel unnecessary or the plot just comes off as clunky but the energy that this issue brings sets the tone of the series and brings the excitement to new heights while feeling more amazing than the first installment.

Redcoat # 1– One of the most innovative yet wild series to come out of the Ghost Machine imprint has made a huge impact on comic fans and yes, this is one of the most fun I had when reading a new series. The lead character, Simon Pure gets caught up in some weird ritual from the Founding Fathers who plan to make Benjamin Franklin a god but Simon ends up getting the powers meant for the latter that make him immortal while he hops through time. While some writers tend to cram everything into a story, Geoff Johns manages to not do just that but he makes it feel organic and not confuse the readers because he can make his plots flow with ease; The historical setting gives this series a great hook and given how odd the premise is, I definitely would recommend this series that will make anyone look at History in a different light.

ROOK: Exodus # 1– The third (and final) series to come out of the first wave of the Ghost Machine imprint leaves heavily on the Sci-Fi aspects as a simple farmer named ROOK fled the crumbling Earth for a new life on the planet Exodus, a planet where nature is completely controlled by humans called Wardens. But when Exodus’s world engine failed, the Wardens’ power fell into the wrong hands, creating chaos. While we get glimpses of ROOK’s past life on Earth, you can’t help but be enthralled by this strange world that keeps the readers on the edge of their seats and it leaves you curious to find out what happens next because it’s not “Ewoks” meets “Blade Runner” by any means but it’s a title that proves that Ghost Machine is on the rise.

Spider-Man: Shadow of the Green Goblin # 1– This story is more of an expansion of J.M. DeMatteis’ past Spider-Man stories that put the focus on Peter Parker’s early days as Spdey following the death of Uncle Ben and with this being a DeMatteis story, he goes for the gusto when it comes to adding in the psychological and dramatic elements in his stories to perfection and it doesn’t hurt that this extensive knowledge of Spider-Man shines throughout this issue and a welcoming addition; With the Proto-Goblin being the villain in this series it would have been nice to see Marvel release some past material to get readers of and new investing in this character; Unfortunately, it’s up to DeMatteis to fill in the blanks and make sure the readers catch up while reading. Intriguing read and it’s always a great thing to head back to Spidey’s earlier days hopefully, the series can continue to shine past this opening issue.

Well, that’s it for me this week. Thanks for sticking around and I will see you all next time.

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