Well it happened again. The fine folks at Great North Comics held a Kickstarter funding drive to produce issue #3 of their super fun comic book, Auric of the Great White North. Crushing their pledge goal by over 130% we can expect this issue shortly as it is pretty much done and being sent to the printer.

As I mentioned before, Auric was the brain child of Mike Rooth, Davis Dewsbury and Andrew Thomas. Created as a mini comic to celebrate the Northern Ontario Expo in Timmins, Ontario with first, second and third printings.
Auric’s origin starts back in 1912, in a small mining town in Northern Ontario, Canada where a mysterious gas was unleashed from within a deep gold mine. All the miners inside the ominous shaft are affected as well as the countless townsfolk as this gas escaped to the northern air, changing the course of history forever. This gas seems to transform those that are susceptible into strange, unusual and dangerous mythical beasts.
Issue #3 kicks right off in full action mode as Auric fights the Yeti at the crowded town meeting. Things don’t go well and Auric takes a bit of a break at a local tavern where he runs into some old friends.

Still fun and quirky, Davis Dewsbury fleshes out the two stories from issue #2. The main adventure and the flashbacks of Auric’s time as a Superhero adventurer. The giggles continue with the comic’s trademark humour and sight gags. Andrew Thomas’ art maintains that fun and adventurous vibe with his cartoony style accompanied by the bright, solid colours of Sharon Gauthier. Basically, more of the same this issue which is a great thing. Mike Rooth provides an amazing B&W variant cover again and the Kickstarter reached the Blizzard Edition stretch goal which will be a blank cover with blue trade dress just itching for custom cover sketches by your favourite artists.
Auric #3 will be delivered to Kickstarter participants shortly and there are rumours it MAY make an early debut at the Toronto ComiCon this March 17th-19th if all the cards fall into place. I’m sure that the issue will be available shortly by mail order at http://www.greatnorthcomics.com or at one of the many signings and appearances the creators make at local comic shops and local conventions.
I can’t express enough how enjoyable it is to support these fun indie press efforts and participate in your local community of aspiring creators. Spend some time scouring Kickstarter, have a chat with your Local Comic Shop owner and get to know the new generation of comic creators. You will not be disappointed.
Hey, that bartender sure looks familiar!!!
Issue: Auric #3 | Publisher: Great North Comics
Writer: Davis Dewsbury | Artists: Andrew Thomas & Sharon Gauthier
Price: $2.99