Does every Christmas Special review start with a reference to Clement Clarke Moore’s, Twas the Night Before Christmas? Should I have been wittier and opened with, “Twas the night before I read a Christmas Special comic book”? To steal a term from Peter David, but I digress …

G-Man Comics Christmas Special is here, featuring a bevy of holiday-themed vignettes and pin-ups. Series regular Gilbert Monsanto quarterbacks the main artwork chores, and our very own Rik Offenberger writes all the stories. G-Man Comics is the home of Simon N. Kirby, The Agent, a homage to Rik Offenberger’s love and passion for the old MLJ Comics stable of characters like The Shield. Relaunched through a series of Kickstarters, Simon N. Kirby, The Agent is up to four issues with a bunch of spin-off and companion books such as this Christmas Special.
“The Agent is the story of FBI Agent Simon N. Kirby and the world of G-Man Comics. In his world, all superheroes are registered with the government. As part of the Super Hero Registration Act, superheroes may be pressed into service to protect their country as needed. Simon N. Kirby is the man in charge of the FBI’s superhero team, the G-Men. It operates in a “mission impossible” style, where he selects the right agents for the right mission.”

But The Agent is not the only member of the G-Men featured as the book opens to a story featuring Sgt. Flag. The Sarge lets us know what the Holidays look like for US Troops serving abroad and his foiling a jewellery store heist while shopping at the Mall at the last minute. Judah “The Hammer” Maccabee covers Chanukah with a page devoted to this holiday. Lynx is involved with what it means to be homeless during the holidays, while Terror Noir’s tale is about Kwanzaa, the holiday created in 1966 to celebrate the shared African culture of African-Americans.
Overall it’s a fun book. Lots of info about the various holidays this time of year, action, adventure, and bonus art as bridges between the stories. Head on over to for all the fun G-Man goodies