Bradley Golden is the founder/ C.E.O. Of Second sight Publishing and a bestselling comic book writer.

FirstComicsNews: Thanks for doing this interview Bradley. Tell your fans a little about yourself.
Thanks for having me. Sure, I’m Bradley Golden, CEO and Founder of SECOND SIGHT PUBLISHING. I’m have written for Antarctic Press on titles such as Mangazine, Exciting Comics, Leave on the light, and Horror Comics. I created Mississippi Zombie for Caliber Comics.
1rst: How old were you when you first became interested in comics, and how long ago was that? Also, how did that interest come about?
I was 10 years old when I first got introduced to comics. My older brother worked at the local supermarket and he would bring me stacks of comics home from work every day he worked. I didn’t have many friends as I had a serious speech impediment, and was talked about a lot growing up. So, comics was my way, away from the harsh life of being bullied. Comics also played a part of helping me learn to speak properly.
1rst: Bradley, have you always wanted to be a comic writer?
No, actually. I always wanted to draw comics. Which was one of the reasons I went to college to major in art.
1rst: You have written many successful comics, which ones are you proud of the most?
Wow, that’s a tough question to answer. I’m proud of all my titles, they are my babies you know. But the one I’m super happy with is Leave on the Light. That was a labor of love. Since I watched the movie shocker and nightmare on elm Street. That’s my ode to old 80s slashers.
My second favourite is will be Mississippi Zombie. That means a lot to me as I created it as a springboard for indie creators to get their work seen and be their first form of mainstream publication.
You are a man of many talents, not only a comic writer but also the founder and C.E.O. of SecondSight Publishing. What can you tell your fans about SecondSight?
SecondSight Publishing is the only comic publisher based in Mississippi and we are black owned. We have a large selection of great products to choose from and many of them are unique and diverse. We are here for the creators and comic retailers. Mainly because we are ran by current or previous comic creators. We feel we know what the market wants and needs.
1rst:SecondSight publishing is based in Mississippi and is the only comic book publisher in that state, how do you feel about that?
Honesty, at first, I didn’t even know that until a fan came to me with the question. I did some research and true enough we are. There are other publishers here but those are for novels and such, not predominantly comic books. So, knowing that was very, very rewarding and humbling.
1rst: SecondSight has become a force in the Indie comics world. What can you say is the key to your success?
The key to not only our success but any indie publisher success is the array of titles and talent we bring in to publish. With the market as competitive as ever, we have to offer and deliver stories that is unique and exciting as well as diverse. I feel we have accomplished that with our upcoming titles.
1rst: SecondSight has attracted many big name Indie creators, what is your secret?
Freedom, we offer our creators freedom to do their projects how they want, without having to interfere in the creative process. They own 100% of their I.P. and get a bigger percent of royalties Compared to other publishers.
1rst: When you heard the news about Diamond, what was your first reactions?
My first reaction was that of joy and relief. I had worked so hard to get mainstream distribution and to see it finally come true was overwhelming. I looked up and praised God for allowing this to happen to me and get me on my next step in this journey.
1rst: What does the future for SecondSight look like?
The future looks bright for us. With mainstream distribution and more, and more creators coming in we looked to be successful in this competitive market.
SecondSight Publishing is the home of Horror, Heroes, Sci-Fi and more. Second Sight strives to bring you our fans and readers new & exciting content that our industry has to offer such as Lady Freedom, The Edge,C.H.E.S.S.,Duplicant, Book of Lyaxia, Freakshow Knight, Divine Retribution, Blood, skulls chrome and the Protector are all available to order through Previews. Mississippi Zombie, Harvest of Horrors are in association with Caliber Comics.