First Comics News Podcast #44
This episode we will talk about:
Queen of the Black Coast #1 (Ablaze Publishing)
Batman #90 (DC Comics)

Join the Future #1 (Aftershock Comics)
Spider-Man Noir #1 (Marvel Comics)
Carson of Venus: Realm of the Dead #1 (American Mythology)
The Last of Us Playstation game is coming to HBO
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker novel explains how Palpatine survived
Scoob! final trailer with a surprise villain
Evercade handheld system is coming May 22
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About Author
I have been a comic book fan since the early eighties and have read thousands of comics during that time. Some of the first comic books I remember buying with my own money at the local supermarket are Secret Wars #1, the Nam #1 and Batman #426 featuring the Death of Jason Todd. Yes, I did call the 900 number once. I voted for him to die because I did not think DC would actually do it. My bad. In the late eighties I wrote, drew and published a number of mini-comics and fanzines including Hero 358, Death Dealer and Thunder Review. E-Mail me at