Check out Derrick Chew’s stunning JEAN GREY #1 variant cover, on sale August 23
New York, NY— July 18, 2023 — Superstar artist Derrick Chew has brought some of Marvel’s greatest heroes to life in best-selling variant covers and next month, he spotlights one of the Marvel Universe’s original mutant icons: JEAN GREY! Depicted in her classic and beloved Marvel Girl costume, Jean unleashes the full might of her telekinetic mutant gifts in this show stopping cover for the debut issue of her new solo series! A five-issue saga, JEAN GREY will be written by legendary X-Men scribe Louise Simonson and drawn by Bernard Chang. Readers will experience a rousing exploration of Jean’s dramatic history as she revisits her past to find the key to guiding mutantkind out of the FALL OF X!
Check out Chew’s cover below and find out how Jean’s legacy can save the X-Men’s future when JEAN GREY #1 hits stands next month!
JEAN GREY #1 (OF 4) – 75960620618600111
Variant Cover by DERRICK CHEW – 75960620618600141
Virgin Variant Cover by DERRICK CHEW – 75960620618600117
On Sale 8/23