The spectacular return of creator BILL BLACK (and ace penciller ERIC COILE) to the long-running FEMFORCE ongoing series with “Crimson Treachery” continues in FF #189.

The team’s classic nemesis, sorceress ALIZARIN CRIMSON  advances her plot to break up the team by striking at them through their dreams, putting each member (somnambulistically) into their most-feared scenario.  NIGHTVEIL and Ms. VICTORY (not to mention PARAGON, Ms. V’s husband); were taken out last issue.

This go-around ‘Crimson and her mysterious ally go after TARA, horrifyingly “reuniting” her with a mother she never had;  SYNN- forced back into custody to be studied- and tortured; and STARDUST, called back into draconian military service among the Rurians.

The FF’s finest must live out their most terrifying nightmares in this gripping saga written, inked, lettered and colored by the creative dynamo that started it all. Another thrilling episode  starring one of the most enduring successes of the independent comic book movement, engineered and executed by the man that originated the concept 35 years ago!!!

That’s FEMFORCE #189; now 24 pages in FULL DIGITAL COLOR inside of full-color covers, (still $5.95) coming in March, 2020- only from AC Comics!!

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